Caring For Your Knits

You should never dry clean any of your hand knits because it is a very harsh chemical process and wool is as delicate as your skin! Don't ever use Woolite for the same reason!

The best thing to do is hand wash you garment (and any other wool garments) in the sink using warm water (not at all hot) and a small amount of gentle dish soap like dawn or shampoo. Gently scrub using your hands and do not wring or pull, as that will stretch your garment. Rinse clean using cold water, this will get all the soap out.

Now take your garment and place it in your washer machine and spin out the extra water. If you don't have a washer at home lay your garment out on a couple of towels and roll it up to get out the extra water.

Finally, block your garment into its original shape and allow to air dry flat on a clean towel. In the sun or by a wood stove will speed up the process.

Remember to flip it over so the backside dries as well.

This process will keep your knits looking good and lasting for a long time!

NOTE: This is the same process I use for cleaning my superwash yarn. Although it is technically machine washable, I find that my knits last much longer when they are handled with the most care.